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Syrian Hamster
Other common names include; teddy bear, panda bear, fancy bear or any other name include the word "bear". Short haired hamster. Long Haired Hamster. Golden Hamster.
The Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) is a member of the rodent subfamily Cricetinae.
The size of an adult ranges from 5 to 7 in long, with an average lifespan of 1.5 - 2 years. Syrians hamsters have 44 chromosomes and are sexually mature from 4 weeks old. The female hamsters come into season every three days. Her gestation period is just 16 days.
Syrian hamsters are solitary and do not tolerate any other hamsters living with them with the exception of mothers and newborn litters. Syrians often begin displaying territorial behaviour at around 6 weeks old although some will continue to live happily with their siblings until 12 weeks. The ideal time to separate Syrians is 6-8 weeks old.
The Syrian hamster marks its territory by rubbing it's scent glands on areas inside its home. The scent glands can be found on both hips and resemble large dark spots - this area is usually hairless. Most humans will not notice the smell of scent marking.
Syrians come in a wide variety of colours and patterns as well as short-haired, long-haired and rex (curly) varieties.
Syrians are perfect for all owners and are the ideal "first time" species.
(Note: Financially dependant children should never be fully responsible for an animal, an adult must always share the responsibility and when needed assist in the care/finances.)