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Campbell's Dwarf Hamster

Campbell's dwarf hamster (Phodopus campbelli) is a species of hamster in the genus Phodopus. It is distinguished from the closely related Winter White Russian Dwarf hamster as it has smaller ears, has a narrower dorsal stripe and is generally smaller is size. Campbells come in a huge variety of colours and patterns.
They inhabit the steppes and semi deserts of central Asia, the Altai mountains, autonomous areas of Tuva and the Hebei province in northeastern China.
Campbells are social animals that can live happily in same sex groups and pairs, they can also live happily alone so an owner should not feel pressured into keeping multiple Campbells if they are unable to.
Campbells are prone to developing diabetes and so should be kept on a controlled diet. It's very important to buy high quality food for these hamsters as non-branded, cheap foods are often filled with sugar and highly processed ingredients. High sugar treats should be kept to a minimum or avoided altogether.
Just like Winter Whites they have 28 chromosomes which is why these two species of hamster are the only species that can interbreed and birth live hybridised young. Purposeful hybridisation of these species is unethical and heavily discouraged as the young are often born with numerous health problems. Hybridisation is harmful to mother, pups and the two species as a whole.