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Eye Infections
Eye infections are common in all animals. When an eye becomes infected it will ooze a yellow or green coloured pus from the area, if left to build up the pus soon dries out and can cause the animals eye to become 'glued' shut and they may need assistance in opening it again. If the eye is stuck shut it can cause a great deal of stress for the animal so its important to clean the eye well and regularly in order to prevent this from happening and speed up the healing process.
Eye infections can be caused by any number of factors the most likely being a build up of bacteria in and around the eye. It may also be caused when a foreign object enters the eye (ie substrate, dust, small stones etc) or by allergic reactions and viruses.
Most eye infections, if caught early, can be treated easily from home with good results. If an eye infection is left untreated for too long it can lead to long term eye damage, if the infection is viral it may also pass on to other organs in the body including the lungs. In a situation where the infection is too far along to treat you must seek out a vets help.
Home Remedies
When you spot that your hamster has an eye infection you will need to take immediate action, below is a step by step guide of how to treat mild eye infections with a simple home remedy* using a home made saline solution (salt water).
Create a saline solution by dissolving a teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm water.
Using a cotton bud or tissue dip it into the solution - do not soak it.
Gently wipe the eye once with the solution, be gentle but firm. You may need to scruff your hamster to do this.
Get a clean cotton bud or tissue, dip it in the solution and wipe the eye a second time.
Repeat this with clean buds/tissue until the eye is clear.
If the other eye is infected repeat the whole process for that one too.
Whenever you see your hamsters eye oozing pus clean it with the solution. Persistent cleaning will help stop the infection spreading and allow your hamsters eye to heal.
You will need to regularly check on your hamster throughout the day in order to clean up any oozing as soon as it starts.
Make a new saline solution each day, do not use the same solution from yesterday as it will be crawling with bacteria
Quarantine your hamster from all other pets** until the infection has been clear for 48 hours.
*If the home treatment has not begun to work within a week this is when you will need to see a vet.
**If you have a dwarf hamster who lives in a pair or group quarantine all of those hamsters away from other pets.