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Having the wrong habitat is the cause of most unwanted behaviours in hamsters. Unsuitable homes can lead to stress, boredom and an overall poor quality of life.

Exercise keeps your hamster healthy and active. It's a great way to stave off boredom and keep off excess weight.

Your hamsters diet is the key to their health. A healthy diet will keep your hamster alert, active and happy as well as keeping the vet away!


Travelling with your hamster can be a breeze if you know what you are doing. The three most important words when it comes to travelling are safety, security and stressless.

Toys are very important for keeping a hamsters mind and body stimulated. Buying the wrong toys or not enough toys can lead to boredom and unwanted behaviours.
A Brief Word On Making Mistakes In Pet Care.
For many aspects of life "it was just a mistake" is a throw-away phrase that can be to brush away actions with unwanted but minor consequences. However, when it comes to pet care a mistake can be the difference between proper care and neglect. Health and sickness. Life and death.
Mistakes cannot be looked upon as flippantly when living creatures are involved,
while they may not be intentional some mistakes can have devastating consequences
and as the owner you will be the one at fault. That's just the hard truth of the matter.
Mistakes are most commonly made when owners:
Don't research care methods properly before getting a pet.
Don't continue to do research throughout the pets life.
Take in an animal they are not capable of caring for.
Have too many animals to care for.
Have too many other responsibilities.
Cut corners that can't be cut.
Ignore warning signs in their pets.
Don't put their pets welfare first in all situations.
Don't use common sense or lapse in their judgement.
When deciding to take on the care of an animal it is your responsibility to minimise and
prevent mistakes by researching their care thoroughly before bringing them home.
You must also continue to research their care throughout their life.
Never rely on a single source for your information, always make sure you're
educating yourself with multiple, reputable resources including forums.
Love alone is not enough. To care for an animal properly you need knowledge, time, money, resources, patience and the understanding that their needs come before your wants.
Remember that nobody is entitled to have a pet just because they want one, pets are a privilege and a huge responsibility not a possession, toy, decoration or collectable item.
Finally, keep in mind that while a thoughtful owner can always learn from mistakes they have made, a great owner will do everything they can to prevent making a mistake in the first place.
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