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Is A Hamster The Right Pet For You?
Before deciding to get a hamster you’ll need to decide whether it’s the right kind of pet to fit your lifestyle and whether it’s an affordable pet for you. Contrary to what some people still think hamsters are not cheap pets or ‘pocket-money pets’ Buying the starter supplies alone you are looking to spend anywhere between €50 - €80 sometimes more! They also require more responsibility than people realise.
Do you have the space and money for the right sized cage?
Almost all pet shop cages are unsuitable for a hamster to live in, usually they are just far too small. The bare minimum size (as of 2016) is 70x45cm but keep in mind that bare minimum is not the ideal size and hamsters benefit from enclosures much larger than this. Remember that hamsters prefer floor space over height so a cage that is long and wide is better than a tall cage with lots of shelves.
Bin cages, Ikea cages and hutches are some of the most popular DIY cages for hamsters.
Do You Have Somewhere To Keep The Cage?
Bare in mind that the hamster will need to live in a room where the noise levels aren’t too high, for example a living room which is used all day by lots of people may not be the best room. Keeping your hamster in a spare room or your bedroom is the best place but be prepared for the noise they make! Hamsters are nocturnal so are mostly awake at night meaning this will be when they play, run on their wheel and do all the noisy things! If you are a light sleeper and have nowhere else to keep the cage then you may need to rethink having a hamster as a pet.
Do You Have Time To Play Everyday?
Many hamsters require social time with their owner at least once a day, you can use this time to bond, tame and play with your hamster. Some hamsters don't like to be handled as often but you should still be prepared to spend time with them a few times a week. You can play with them in a playpen or with their favourite toys. Most importantly
hamsters will want to play at night time so you will need to be able to stay up late (or wake up early) so that they can get the best out of their playtime. The more you play with your hamster, the stronger your bond will get and the more tame your hamster will become.
Are you financially stable?
Do you have enough money to keep buying high quality substrate, food and new toys on a regular basis? Hamsters have many needs and most require money to satisfy.
You’ll also need money for any unexpected vet trips.
Are You Prepared To Clean The Enclosure?
Depending on the size of the cage it will need cleaning every 2-6 weeks to keep it fresh, (the bigger
the cage the less often it will need a full clean). You will also need to spot clean a couple of times a week.
Are You Willing to Spend Time Researching Hamster Care?
As you are reading this site you’ve already taken the first step in research. Before getting your hamster I personally recommend joining a forum like hamster central or hamster hideout and subscribing to trusted hamster care YouTube channels. Remember that research doesn't stop once you get your hamster, you will have to keep up to date with new information throughout their lifetime.
So still think you are ready for a hamster?
If the answer is yes then welcome to an amazing world of adorable squishy faces and cuddly critters. Hamsters really do make amazing pets if you are able to provide them with the things they need.
If you feel that you are not ready for a hamster just yet why not take this time to begin your research on them, by the time you have finished you may even be in a situation where you can have a hamster!